Philosophy of Practice

For patients to choose a dental office appropriate to their needs there must exist a match between the services sought by the patient with the services provided by the office. If the value you possess for your teeth and health coincides with our beliefs in fine dentistry and prevention, a mutually rewarding relationship should evolve for both parties. As a form of welcoming you and sharing our beliefs about how we serve patients, the following information is provided.

Briefly stated, our philosophy of practice is this…

“Our goal is to provide you with quality dentistry to help you keep all of your teeth for the rest of your life in maximum health, comfort, function, and appearance at a minimum of stress, discomfort, and expense.”

A dental office is a small health-oriented team of professionals dedicated to serving patients. Each office maintains certain standards of skill and concern and we want an aura about us that unquestionably makes a statement of our quality of care. To make this evident, we have committed to a particular kind of practice. In a philosophical sense, basically one is devoted to either quantity (do a little for a lot of people) or to quality (optimal care on a long-term basis for regular patients). We want to attract and keep people who share our values and beliefs in excellence or can grow to this level of appreciation through education and motivation. We seek a patient population dominated by people with expectations of good health and happiness.

Examination Process

Excellence in dentistry begins with a careful diagnosis and treatment plan to move us toward the goals we will establish together. We will perform an extensive and comprehensive examination of the teeth, gums, bit, joints and soft tissues. When needed and with your permission, we will utilize all appropriate x-rays; if beneficial will use intra oral photographs and study models of your teeth and jaws to identify areas of concern. We believe this in-depth examination to be the cornerstone of quality dentistry.

Maintenance of Traditional Values

In this country, at this time, with the government becoming more involved in health care, insurance carriers trying to dictate treatment and fees, and some dental offices competing through advertising, extended hours and pricing, the very foundation of dentistry is being tested. We believe there has never been a time when a practice dedicated to prevention, to service, and to excellence can be more highly rewarding to both our patients and to us, in providing quality, long-term health care. We hope you agree and will join our family.